SystemVerilog Clocking Block

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Input and Output Skew

A skew number for an input denotes when that input is sampled before the clocking event (such as posedge or negedge) occurs. For an output, it is just the opposite - it denotes when an output is synchronized and sent after the clocking event.


A 1step is a special unit of time. It denotes a negative time delay from the edge of a clock when all inputs are steady and ready to be sampled. In terms of scheduling semantics, a 1step unit denotes the Postponed region immediately before a clock edge.

Default input and output skews

The default skew statement in the above example is optional. A clocking block without this statement (as shown below) is still legal.

clocking clock1 @(posedge clk1);
   input a1, a2;
   output b1;
In this case, the default input skew is 1step and the default output skew is 0.

Overwriting default skews

Even if there is a default statement for skews in a clocking block, it can be overwritten later in the block. For example, the example below overwrites the default input skew for signal a1 (to 1step) and output b1 (to 5 ns), but the input skew for a2 remains unchanged at 2 ns.

clocking clock1 @(posedge clk1);
   default input #2ns output #3ns;
   input #1step a1;
   input a2;
   output #5ns b1;

Skew value of #0

A skew value of #0 changes the way input values are sampled and output values are synchronized, even though both will still be done at the simulation time when a clock event occurs. A skew value of #0 for any input means that the input will be sampled at the Observed region. An output skew value of #0 indicates that the output will be synchronized out in the Non-blocking assignment (NBA) region.

Parameterized skew value

Skew value (or values) in a clocking block is parameterizable. The following exampleshows this.

clocking clock1 @(posedge clk1);
   parameter INPUT_SKEW  = 2;
   parameter OUTPUT_SKEW = 3;
   default input #INPUT_SKEW output #OUTPUT_SKEW;
   input #1step a1;
   input a2;
   output #5ns b1;

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