SystemVerilog Interprocess Synchronization and Communication
[Part 1]
Previous: More methods in Mailbox
| Next: Event sequencing with wait()
Parameterized Mailboxes
We noticed that general (also called dynamic) mailboxes can hold
any type of message. As long as a message matches with the expected
type during retrieval, everything works seemlessly.
If it is known that a mailbox will be used with only one type of
message, say string type, the mailbox definition can be parameterized.
This is shown below.
mailbox #(string) uGotMail = new(N_MSG);
int i;
string s;
uGotMail.put("Hi there!");
uGotMail.get(s); // correct
uGotMail.get(i); // incorrect
The usefulness of parameterized mailboxes is that in a case of a
type mismatch (as in the incorrect example above), it will be a
compilation error, not a runtime one.
Next time: We will probe more into SystemVerilog events and will
find out how normal Verilog facilities, such as triggering an event
and waiting for an event have been further enhanced in SystemVerilog.
Previous: More methods in Mailbox
| Next: Event sequencing with wait()